Social skills development subject at Szent István University

Előadó: Dr. Mészáros Aranka; Csapó Ildikó
Szerző bemutatkozása:
Dr. Mészáros Aranka a Szent István Egyetem egyetemi docense. Csapó Ildikó a Szent István Egyetem PhD hallgatója

Előadás absztrakt:
The syllabus for the Social skills development subject at the Human Resources bachelor degree course has been tailored in line with the course’s specificities based on several research results. Our aim is to develop students’ social skills, which can help increase satisfaction and commitment at future workplaces with regard to their and their colleagues’ work values – with a special emphasis on Y and Z generations. According to a Clutch HR research institute survey conducted with a sample size of 1,000, younger generations’ satisfaction and employee commitment can be maintained by consistent, accurate and immediate feedback (Peacock, 2016). The results of a generation gap survey show that the younger respondents are, the more important they find self-empowerment, the representation of their own interests and needs (Mészáros & Kollár, 2016).
Thus, the main topic of the Social skills development subject, taught in the form of training, is developing assertiveness. Within the frameworks of the subject, one of the main modules is developing partnership communication, conflict prevention and resolution using the parallel transactions method of Transactional Analysis. The syllabus includes Thomas Gordon’s I-messages techniques to help create individual autonomy, whereas active listening helps develop paying attention to others. Another main module in the training is giving positive and constructive negative feedback in a mature way, which is very important to younger generations.
Our lecture presents the detailed syllabus of the training, while our article to be published in an edited collection includes specific exercises for developing these skills.
1. Mészáros, A. - Kollár, P. (2016): Különböző generációk munkaérték vizsgálata In: BKIK GSZT (szerk.) Megújulás és fenntarthatóság Budapesti Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara, 2016. pp. 70-80. (ISBN:978-963-89734-3-6)
Peacock, A. (2016). Engage Millennial Employees with Feedback and Evaluation; Letöltve: