Előadó: HOLIK Ildikó Katalin - SANDA István Dániel
Szerző bemutatkozása:
Holik Ildikó Katalin egyetemi docens az Óbudai Egyetem Trefort Ágoston Mérnökpedagógiai Központ oktatója. Sanda István Dániel adjunktus az Óbudai Egyetem Trefort Ágoston Mérnökpedagógiai Központ oktatója.
Előadás absztrakt:
Practical questions of training technical teachers
The process of becoming an educator starts well before getting into university. Although students entering the teacher training system have a great many experiences from their own school years their views, knowledge, attitudes and commitment all need to be developed in order for the future teachers to efficiently perform their task. (Falus, 2014) However, becoming a teacher is not limited to the university years but will evolve after obtaining one’s degree. With the time spent in the profession and the experience gained, the teacher’s thinking and activity both change. (Berliner, 2005)
The backbone of teacher training is provided by educational-psychological and subject-specific methodology subjects, along with teaching practice. Trainee teachers are faced with the school reality during their teaching practice, when they have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge. The time of starting one’s career is sometimes called a “reality shock”, as beginning teachers are likely to encounter several difficulties in the school life.
Teaching practice is aimed at the following: obtaining the practical skills related to general pedagogy and subject-specific education; acquiring and practicing new skills and attitudes; familiarizing students with issues like school life and school management; communication with parents; individual tutoring of students; cooperation; learning basic skills in evaluating the teaching, learning and educational process; professional development.
Ours paper will survey the practical questions and problems arising during engineer teacher training. It will present the opportunities and difficulties of the Community Pedagogical Practice, the Subject-specific methodology school practice and the Convergent school practice for students and will also describe the process of creating a portfolio.