Előadó: Izsák Hajnalka
Szerző bemutatkozása:
A Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem Nyelv és Irodalomtudományi Tanszékének oktatója, valamint a Pécsi Tudományegyetem „Oktatás és Társadalom″ Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola hallgatója.
Előadás absztrakt:
Education is key to effective rehabilitation and the social reintegration of detainees is a problem affecting the whole society. Special education developed for detainees is intended to reduce recidivism, assist their entry and reintegration in society as productive citizens and to increase their employment chances on the labour market. Dealing with and raising public awareness of issues connected with correctional education is important to dispel negative perceptions of prison education and of former detainees.
My research aims at providing insight into the perception/image, as well as knowledge and opinions of members of the public related to the education carried out in juvenile correctional facilities. I designed a questionnaire using the online survey software Survio and used the virtual snowball sampling method.The majority of respondents agree that detainees need special education and that they should definitely be given a chance to become useful members of the society, however a great number are sceptical about their successful reintegration.