Előadó: Izsák Hajnalka
Szerző bemutatkozása:
A Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem Nyelv és Irodalomtudományi Tanszékének oktatója vagyok, tanársegédi beosztásban.
Előadás absztrakt:
Unlike traditional education, special education serves the purpose of helping offenders’ social reintegration, as well as that of increasing their chances to effectively access the labour market. In addition to the general education and teaching tools, there are special prison education programmes, as well as individual and group activities that facilitate learning and fill the gap on certain social, communication, emotional, cultural and learning skills and abilities. Some of the education programmes carried out in prisons teach responsible thinking, values and behaviour strategies, one of their priority tasks being that of facilitating offenders’ reintegration into society, which is a problem affecting the whole society. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the special education programmes in Romanian penitenciaries, highlighting the most successful programmes and aspects that help offenders in changing their behaviour towards a constructive way of life.