Előadó: Bálint Krisztián
Szerző bemutatkozása:
Az Óbudai Egyetem Biztonságtudományi Doktori Iskola első éves hallgatója vagyok.
Előadás absztrakt:
The educational institutions are mandatorily equipped with solutions for fire protection, specified by legal decrees. However, in order to ensure that the educators would be versed in performing countermeasures of fire protection, or in processes of evacuation and rescue, it is imperative to have them complete fire protection training. This is austerely demanded by the school management, as the training is mandatory.
The aim of the present research is to map the realizations of teachers working in elementary schools located in Vojvodina, considering the fire protection training in schools. The further aim is to map the teachers’ opinion about a possible, theoretic fire protection training based on eLearning?
As the raising of the problem, it can be formulated that the teachers have, so far, never participated in a safety training, furthermore, that 64 percent of the educators participating in the research belong to the X-generation.
The research sample has been including 32 teachers from 4 elementary schools located in Subotica, Vojvodina. During the research, questionnaires have been used, as typical means measuring in pedagogy. The gained results were analysed with the help of a computer program named SPSS.
The research has uncovered that the majority of teachers, independently from schools, is considering the fire extinguishing apparatuses located in schools for important assets (chi-square = 0,061), likewise that 83% of them have already tried the use of powder containing fire extinguishers during a practical education. Furthermore, the research has shed light on the fact that 88% of the educators consider the practical knowledge of the solutions for fire protection important. Therefore, (chi-square = 0,075) 71% of educators would participate in a fire protection training course based on eLearning. They have remarked in their textual answers that their recent training have been held usually in schools after classes, at late night hours, so the majority has participated in a weary, exhausted state.
As a result of the present research, it can be stated that the educators have approved the idea of fire protection training based on eLearning. The teachers have remarked in their textual answers that the safety of their disciples is all important, therefore, if a training based on eLearning could be realized, they would support it by all means.