Előadó: Ardelean Timea Krisztina
Szerző bemutatkozása:
A Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem oktatója. Általános angol nyelvet és üzleti német nyelvet oktat a Bölcsészettudományi és Művészeti Karon, illetve a Gazdaság és Társadalomtudományi Karon. Kutatási területe a közésségi média használata a nyelvoktatásban.
Előadás absztrakt:
Foreign language teaching has always been a dynamic field, and it always tries to follow the demands of the learners in order to achieve the main goal, that is to learn the language, to acquire the foreign language. The digital age, the 21st-century offers brand new opportunities for language learning and teaching, thus the role of teachers, methodologies, and materials have also changed during the past couple of decades. Researches show that the communicative language approach continues to be the dominant second language teaching method and that print textbooks are still default learning materials in most learning institutions but it is imperative to seek creative pedagogical and technical approaches for teaching the new generations, often labelled as Generation Y, Z and the most recent one the Alpha Generation.
The present study offers an overview of the technologies used by the generation Z, students who study in high-schools and some challenges teacher face in this digital world.